All of my work is done on an AMIGA 1200 '030 50mHz FPU!!! With a total of 32Mb. All done on Imagine5.x (a most excellent and comparatively cheap product! Go check out the website on this coverdisc) Although this particular image was rendered on Martin McKenzie's 060 as my 030 was taking just a little bit too long (I couldn't go more than 4 days without crashing it, and it needed longer!) so many thanks to him. Rachel the virgine - Once again this is a competition entry. This time all the contestants were given the same image of a salt shaker, pepper grinder and Olive oil bottle and had to recreate the scene as realistically as possible. I have included the original image (originalImage.jpg) so that you may compare the 2 for yourselves. the results will be announced a short while after I have finished typing this readme file. If you wish, I will email the project to anyone who wishes to pee about with it. Previous images on AFCD's include... ICE - This was the first use of glass, details include bubbles and some ICE shaped ice in it. The backdrop was from a CD and was used as a global backdrop so it reflects on the glass as well. You can also see the glass refracting the light so the straw seems bendy.(Go and try it now if you don't belive me!) Teleport - This is the grand daddy of all rendering times. It was a 24hour render job, and used 16.5Mb to render it. I have now finished the animation of it with sound so go and get it from the aminet now. It needs 8Mb to play with no sound (!) and took over 160 hours to render (!!). PSX - The actual model has every bump and safety sticker that you would find on a real playstation, even that big black, silver and yellow one on the back. Scales - Scales is a picture of the scales in my kitchen (thats where my computer is now, so be prepared for lots more kitchen ralated stuff). It's an exact replica, and that is all there is to say about this one. sunsetcar - Here is my second attempt at making a car, and it is much better. This one includes alloy wheels, an ariel and all the other things you would normally find on a car (except for number plates) It isn't supposed to look like any make of car already available, I just made it from my imagination. Alone - I liked the Kiddicraft tractor I made so much that I made another picture involving him (it?) A family has just moved out of a house, but unfourtunately they left the poor little toy behind, ahh, isn't it sad =8°( I am currently making this into a full animation. At the moment you can either download the picture (top) or watch a short mpeg movie of it (bottom). Remember this is all at a very early stage.... Paint - Next up is a fairly recent effort. The reason that I made this was as an entry for a competition with the theme of "Checkers and metal". That is why there is some checkered paint spilling out onto a slab of metal. I managed to knock it up in about 2 days. plant - Here is another picture from a different contest (25/6/99). The topic for this one is "plants" , it can be anything you like, so I modelled and rendered an old pot in the corner of someone's garden, fairly realistic. The weeds were modelled on some I dug up in my garden. Knight - This is my first go at anything even slightly humanistic. It's a knight from ye olde days of dragons, wizards etc.... This is his running pose. I haven't finished him yet, I'm hoping to give him some realistic looking armour, and maybe even make him move (audience - "ohhhhh"). These are all available from my website, or from the 1999 WOA issue of AF Matthew O'Neill 44 chester ave luton beds lu4 9sq - read daily - most of my work (01582) 527086 - Home 07977 634323 - Mobile (orange)